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Precision Optics Manufacturing: Aspheric Lenses

Aspheric Lenses

  Manufacturing in USA, Singapore, and Malaysia

  Stock and Custom, from Design and Prototype to Volume Production

  Build-to-Print Capabilities

  Over 950 Aspheres Ready for Immediate Delivery

  MRF Fine Finishing Consistently Exceeding λ/10 Surface Accuracy

Edmund Optics® is a recognized leader in aspheric lens manufacturing, with extensive experience producing aspheric lenses for a broad variety of applications. Edmund Optics’ high volume aspheric lens manufacturing cell operates 24 hours a day to produce thousands of precision aspheric lenses per month. These applications range from life science systems such as ophthalmic instruments and surgical devices, to industrial laser equipment, to metrology and analytical instruments, to defense applications. Our manufacturing cells feature state-of-the-art production and metrology equipment, which complements our expert knowledge in aspheric lens design and manufacturing. Whether your application calls for a stock component from our vast inventory, a build-to-print lens, or a fully customized design effort, our expert optical design and manufacturing engineers can develop solutions to meet your needs. Contact us today to speak with an expert or receive an expedited quote.



The Making of an Aspheric Lens

Edmund Optics® manufacturers millions of optics every year throughout our four global facilities. Join us as we take you through the creation of an aspheric lens, from molding to grinding to polishing, centering, and metrology.

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Manufacturing Equipment


Aspheric Equipment

Selecting the Right Aspheric Lenses

Edmund Optics® has the expertise to provide stock and custom aspheric lenses. Our specialty is precision polished and precision molded aspheric lenses. Color-corrected aspheres are available for broadband applications and we offer lens options for the entire infrared spectrum. Contact us with your requirements and our expert staff of optical manufacturing engineers will work closely with you to make sure we deliver aspheric lenses that meet your system's needs within your budget constraints.

  • Precision Polished
  • Color-Corrected
  • Infrared

Precision Polished

TECHSPEC Precision UV Fused Silica Aspheric Lenses

Precision polished aspheric lenses are ideal for the most demanding applications. Designed to offer high numerical apertures, while creating diffraction-limited spot sizes.

  • Available in UV, visible, and IR grade materials
  • Variety of standard coating options available
  • Full prescription data for easy integration into OEM applications
  • Polished spec range from 5λ to λ/10
  • Color-correction through applying unique manufacturing capabilities
  • Wavelength range from 200nm to 18,000nm
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