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ISO-21550 Dynamic Range Film

  • Used to Determine Optical Density Range of Transmission Scanners and Imaging Systems

The dynamic range 35mm film can be used to determine the optical density range of a transmission scanner or other transmission imaging systems. It is a perforated 35mm filmstrip with gray scale patches.


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0 - 4 OD, ISO-21550 Dynamic Range Film

Technical Information

Patch # #58-942 0-4 Visual Weighted OD
1 0.107
2 0.107
3 0.125
4 0.217
5 0.426
6 0.718
7 1.050
8 1.418
9 1.869
10 2.312
11 2.496
12 2.672
13 2.922
14 3.160
15 3.262
16 3.307
17 3.422
18 3.540
19 3.641
20 3.690
21 3.759
22 3.842
23 3.900
24 4.028