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Power Supplies and Connection Cables

#58-678: 15V Universal Power Supply

#58-678: 15V Universal Power Supply

#58-678: 15V Universal Power Supply #59-099 5V Universal Power Supply, #59-099
  • Interchangeable 4 Blade Kit for US, UK, Euro and Australian Standard Outlets
  • 5, 9, 12, or 15V Power Supply Options
  • Only 5V and 9V Options Include a 6-Foot Cord

Universal Power Supplies

The universal power supplies include an interchangeable 4 blade kit for US, UK, Euro and Australian standard outlets. 5V and 9V options include a 6-foot cord ending in a terminal block for connection to wire leads.


 Title   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
5V Universal Power Supply
12V Power Supply, Interchangeable Plugs
15V Universal Power Supply