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Ti:Sapphire Laser Line Mirrors

  • >99.8% Reflectivity at Ti:Sapphire Fundamental and Harmonic Frequencies
  • 10-5 Surface Quality for Reduced Scatter in Laser Applications
  • High Laser Damage Threshold

TECHSPEC® Ti:Sapphire Laser Line Mirrors provide >99.8% reflectivity for Ti:Sapphire laser fundamental and harmonic frequencies at both a 45° angle of incidence (AOI) and 0-45° AOI. These laser mirrors are designed with a fused silica substrate for excellent thermal stability and are coated for 800nm, 400nm, or 266nm which are the fundamental, second harmonic, and third harmonic respectively. To minimize scattering effects, these mirrors feature a high 10-5 surface quality and λ/10 surface flatness. TECHSPEC® Ti:Sapphire Laser Line Mirrors are ideal for a range of Ti:Sapphire laser applications such as multiphoton imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy, and cold micromachining.

Common Specifications

Parallelism (arcmin):
Fine Ground
Fused Silica (Corning 7980)
Surface Flatness (P-V):
Surface Quality:


 Wavelength Range (nm)  DWL (nm) Dia. (mm)  Thickness (mm)  AOI (°)  Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
390 - 410 400 12.70 6.35 45
390 - 410 400 25.40 6.35 45
390 - 410 400 50.80 9.54 45
780 - 820 800 12.70 6.35 45
780 - 820 800 25.40 6.35 45
780 - 820 800 50.80 9.54 45
390 - 410 400 12.70 6.35 0-45
390 - 410 400 25.40 6.35 0-45
390 - 410 400 50.80 9.54 0-45
780 - 820 800 12.70 6.35 0-45
780 - 820 800 25.40 6.35 0-45
780 - 820 800 50.80 9.54 0-45