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UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs

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UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs

  • Ideal for Chirped-Pulse Amplifier Systems and Ultra-Broadband Laser Oscillators
  • Ultra-Broadband Design Supports Dispersion Compensation
  • Negative GDD as Low as -60fs2 and High Reflectivity (>99%) at 600 – 950nm or 650 – 1350nm

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs are designed to provide dispersion compensation for ultrafast pulses. The matched mirrors feature out-of-phase group delay dispersion (GDD) oscillations leading to a near-constant GDD performance with minimal oscillations. The broadband coating design covers the most common ultrafast laser lines, including Ti:sapphire and Yb:doped fiber, providing negative GDDs as low as -60fs2 and average reflectance of >99% (p-polarization) at 600 – 950nm or 650 – 1350nm. The narrow angles of incidence (AOI) allows many reflections of the ultrafast pulse to effectively compensate for dispersion effects. UFI Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs are ideal for dispersion compensation in ultrafast laser applications, including chirped-pulse amplifier systems and ultra-broadband laser oscillators. Please contact us for custom mirror pairs with different geometries, bandwidths, or spectral specifications.

Note: Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs are sold in pairs.


 Wavelength Range (nm)  Dia. (mm)  Thickness (mm)  AOI (°)  Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
650 - 1350 12.70 6.35 5
600 - 950 25.40 6.35 5
650 - 1350 25.40 6.35 5

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