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UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors

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UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors

  • Negative GDD of -145 fs2
  • Angle of Incidence of 5° between 255 - 277nm
  • Ideal for Pulse Compression or Dispersion Compensation of UV Ultrafast Laser Beams
  • Unique UV Negative Dispersion Ultrafast Coating

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors feature fused silica substrates with excellent thermal stability and 25.4mm diameter to facilitate integration into UV applications. Based on dispersive optical interference, the ultrafast chirped coating provides these mirrors with a negative GDD of -145 fs2. These mirrors are designed to provide a high degree of control over beam stability and feature a reflectance >80% (P-polarization) between 255 - 277nm. At a design angle of incidence (AOI) of 5°, these mirrors maximize the number of reflections between a pair of ultrafast mirrors while maintaining a small footprint. UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors allow compressing UV ultrafast laser pulses such as those generated from the 3rd harmonic of Ti:sapphire lasers and 4th harmonic of Yb:doped lasers. Please contact us if your laser system requires a custom size, wavelength, or pulse profile.
