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Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Sets

Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Sets

Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Sets

  • 8 Diffusion Angles Per Set
  • Homogenized, Flat Top Output Profile
  • Small and Large Angle Diffusion Sets Available

Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Sets shape input beams to have non-Gaussian, flat top output profiles in circular, square, rectangular, and linear beam patterns. These sets feature eight 10 x 10mm active areas on a single substrate, each with a different diffusion shape and angle. A small angle set, with diffusion angles from 1 - 10°, and a large angle set, with diffusion angles from 11 - 65° are available. Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Sets are ideal for use in machine vision, LiDAR, heads up displays (HUDs), and 3D sensing applications to produce illumination with even intensity.

Unlike many holographic elements, these specific polycarbonate components transmit light in both the visible and near-infrared. Zero order, or a specular component, of transmitted light is less than 1% for visible wavelengths, but may be higher if these diffusers are used at wavelengths >700nm.

Common Specifications

Clear Aperture CA (mm):
10 x 10
Dimensions (mm):
87.4 x 66.7
Thickness (mm):
Transmission (%):
Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700


 Diffusing Angle (°)  CA (mm)  Dimensions (mm)   Thickness (mm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
A: 1, Circular
B: 3, Circular
C: 5, Circular
D: 9, Circular
E: 1, Square
F: 3, Square
G: 5, Square
H: 10, Square
10 x 10 87.4 x 66.7 1.59
A: 30 x 16, Rectangular
B: 60 x 45, Rectangular
C: 11, Square
D: 30, Square
E: 32 x 0, Linear
F: 65 x 0, Linear
G: 21, Circular
H: 43, Circular
10 x 10 87.4 x 66.7 1.59

Technical Information

Small Angle Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Set, #20-261
 Active Area  Output Shape Diffusion Angle (°)
A Circular 1
B 3
C 5
D 9
E Square 1
F 3
G 5
H 10

Large Angle Flat Top Holographic Diffuser Set, #20-262
 Active Area  Output Shape Diffusion Angle (°)
A Rectangular 30 x 16
B 60 x 45
C Square 11
D 30
E Linear 32 x 0
F 65 x 0
G Circular 21
H 43

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