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Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters

Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters

Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters

  • Suitable for Single-Point Fluorescence Detection and Flow Cytometry Applications
  • 52 Distinct Design Wavelengths Covering the NUV – NIR Spectrum
  • >OD5 Average Blocking from 330 – 900nm
  • Mounted for Easy Handling and System Integration

Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters are available in 52 distinct passbands with design wavelengths from 340 to 895nm in step increments of 10-15nm in the NUV, VIS, and NIR. These cost-efficient hard-coated filters feature high transmission (>90%) with full-width half maximum (FWHM) of 20nm, or 30nm in the NIR, for essential optical performance. Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters feature high average blocking >OD5 outside the passband from 330 – 900nm, making them suited for flow cytometry and single-point fluorescence detection, such as photometry and point-scanning. All filters are mounted in 25mm diameter black anodized aluminum rings to facilitate handling and system integration.

Common Specifications

Typical Applications:
Scattered light and point detection (Flow Cytometry), not suitable for imaging, immunophenotyping
Arrow on ring indicates preferred direction of propagation of light.
Diameter (mm):
25.00 ±0.10
Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Mounted in Black Anodized Ring
Substrate Thickness (mm):
2.00 ±0.10
Angle of Incidence (°):
0 ±5
Optical Density OD (Average):
Optical Grade Glass
Hard Coated
Surface Quality:
Cone Half Angle (°):
Mount Thickness (mm):
3.50 ±0.10


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