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Polymer Retarder Film

Retarder Film with protective film removed

Retarder Film with protective film removed

Retarder Film with protective film removed Protective Film features a black stripe to indicate fast axis
  • Highly Durable Polymer Sheets
  • λ/4 (WP140HE) Achromatic Retarder with Greater than 90% Transmission from 450-700nm
  • λ/4 (WP140HE), λ/2 (WP280), and 1λ (WP560) Retarder Films Available

Polymer Retarder Film is an extremely durable, birefringent polymer sheet that has been designed to modify the polarization state of transmitted light. The highly transparent, achromatic λ/4 (WP140HE) and λ/2 (WP280) Polymer Retarder Films consist of a single layer, modified polycarbonate sheet that acts an achromatic retarder, and is optically and mechanically sound up to 90°C or 80°C respectively. The 1λ (WP560) Polymer Retarder Film consists of two λ/2 films that have been laminated together to create retardation values of 560nm. These films are ideal for use in a variety of coherent and polarized light applications, including circular polarizers, LCDs, and fiber optics.

Common Specifications

Fast axis is indicated by a black stripe on the protective film. This film should be removed before use.
Polarizing Film
Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700
Haze (%):
Heat Resistance (°C x Hours):
80 x 1000


Dia. (mm)  Dimensions (mm)   Retardance   Wavelength Range (nm)  DWL (nm)  Transmission (%)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
25.00 - 400 - 700 560 >89
25.00 - λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
25.00 - λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
- 25.0 x 25.0 400 - 700 560 >89
- 25.0 x 25.0 λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
- 25.0 x 25.0 λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
50.00 - 400 - 700 560 >89
50.00 - λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
50.00 - λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
- 50.0 x 50.0 400 - 700 560 >89
- 50.0 x 50.0 λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
- 50.0 x 50.0 λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
- 100.0 x 100.0 400 - 700 560 >89
- 100.0 x 100.0 λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
- 100.0 x 100.0 λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
- 300.0 x 300.0 400 - 700 560 >89
- 300.0 x 300.0 λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
- 300.0 x 300.0 λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
- 500.0 x 600.0 λ/4 400 - 700 588 >89
- 600.0 x 500.0 400 - 700 560 >89
- 600.0 x 500.0 λ/2 400 - 700 560 >90
Didn't find your exact size? Get an immediate quote for your specified size here.

Product Details

Immediate Custom Quotes Available

If you have a need for any round, square, or rectangular size of a Polymer Retarder Film in dimensions between 3mm and 600mm, please visit our Polarizing Film Tool.  We’ll provide an immediate quote, and can deliver the part to your requested size in approximately 3 weeks.  A full list of standard manufacturing tolerances and restrictions are listed.  For fully customized polymer polarizers to your requirements, visit our Customized Polymer Polarizers Capabilities page.

Technical Information

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