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Wollaston Polarizers

  • Multiple Polarization Materials Available
  • UV to IR Ranges Offered
  • Large Deviation of Ordinary and Extraordinary Rays
  • Rochon Polarizers Also Available

Wollaston Polarizers consist of two birefringent right angle prisms cemented together, such that their optical axes are perpendicular. As light passes through the polarizer, a symmetric deviation between the ordinary and extraordinary beams is created. The resulting beams are of orthogonal linear polarization states and have equal intensity and a large angular deviation. Users have access to both the ordinary and extraordinary rays, making them ideal for laboratory experiments.

Laser Optics

Common Specifications

Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Diameter (mm):
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Crystalline Wollaston Polarizer
Length Tolerance (mm):
Black Anodized Aluminum
Surface Quality:
Transmitted Wavefront, P-V:
λ/4 @ 632.8nm
Beam Deviation (arcmin):
Damage Threshold, By Design:
10 J/cm2 @ 1064nm, 20ns


 Wavelength Range (nm)   Extinction Ratio   Substrate  CA (mm)  Length (mm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
200 - 2300 20,000:1 Quartz 10.0 28.00
220 - 3500 200,000:1 α-BBO 10.0 18.00

Technical Information

Stock No. Outer Diameter Clear Aperture Length Separation Angle α (°)
#68-820 25.4mm 10.0mm 28.0mm 2 - 3 (2 @ 1064nm)
#68-821 25.4mm 10.0mm 18.0mm 16.7 - 22.5 (19 @ 980nm)
#68-822 25.4mm 10.0mm 18.0mm 19.6 - 23.3 (20 @ 1550nm)
#68-823 25.4mm 10.0mm 18.0mm 15 - 27 (16 @ 800nm)